Monthly Meal Planner

Like many people, we struggle with evening meals. What to make, what do we have ingredients for or what do we have time for. I've seen posts about making a months worth of meals in a day and placing them in the freezer. Seems like a good idea, but one that isn't practical for my family. With things about to get crazy with me going back to school, two parents with full time jobs and a crazy 3 year old, I figured if I could make things simpler, now would be the time. I compiled a calendar with 31 days and each day is a different meal. On Sunday we look at the meals for the week to determine what we need from the store, that way there are no last minute trips for something we need. This is not something set in stone. Obviously if we go out to eat or want to try something new, we can simply slide it into place. I also put additional meal options into an 'extra' category if we want to mix things up. I plan to use this every month, and we can adjust as needed. The purpose...