Laundry Soap
I decided to try and make my own laundry soap. There are so
many different recipes out there; it took me a while to decide on one. I chose
this one for the fact is that it is powder, so it takes up less room and seemed
easier to make than a liquid version. This version also claims to last a year,
so saving time is also a great perk.
I purchased
a fine grater from the local dollar store simply because I did not want to use
the one I use in my kitchen. This one also had a container on the back so it
wouldn’t be so messy. So total ingredient cost was $19.76 plus the one-time $5.00
cost for the grater and container.
All the ingredients can be purchased at Wal-Mart in the
laundry aisle, but you can also find these things at most any grocery store.
Listed are the size and price of each item.
1 box (3lb,
7oz) Super Washing Soda $3.29
1 box (4lb,
12oz) Borax powder $3.49
1 box (4lb) Pure
Baking Soda $2.24
1 jar
(1.3lb) OxyClean $3.86
3 bars
(5.5oz) Fels-Naptha soap $2.91
1 jar(28oz)
Final Touch Scent Crystals $3.97
1 fine
grater $1.00
1 container
to store soap $4.00
You may also
substitute Ivory or Zote soap for Fels-Naptha. It is optional to add the scent
crystals at all, but you may use Purex or Downy crystals. I used Final Touch
simply for cost reasons.
Grate all 3 bars of Fel-Naptha soap.
Mix all ingredients in a large trash bag to make
sure mixture is mixed well.
Put into container and enjoy! Use 1-2
tablespoons of detergent per load.
It took a
lot longer than I anticipated to grate the bars of soap. I also suggest placing
cardboard or newspaper over your work surface to make clean up easier. One
thing I did do was place the soap in the freezer to help the grating process.
It did help some, but the grater would often clog with the soap and I would
need to clean it off. A pen cap or tooth pick worked well. After grating all
the soap, I was happy I would only be doing this yearly!
Also I used
the scoop from the OxyClean to measure the detergent, a scoop full equaled 2
tablespoons. As an FYI, this detergent does not make suds in the washer like a
regular store-bought detergent.
I have only
used a few times so far, but it seems to be working well! There is something satisfying
about making something yourself! :)
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